v. 5.3
v. 5.2
v. 5.1
v. 5 (novità rispetto alla ultima versione testuale)
Read-on to learn about the two "missing" versions: the never-released WinSieve 3 and 4.
And, man, it DID work! A benchmark comparison with WinSieve 2.9 on a cache of 15302 files indicated that v4.0 lite was 18% faster when keeping the same restrains of v2.9 ("sieve all") and an amazing over 4 times faster when using the new sieving algorythm!
After 25 days of hard work, I was about to release it as WinSieve 4.1 on the 5th anniversary of v2.9 - when suddenly the recurrence of number 5 struck my attention: 5*5 days of work, version 4.1 that is 4+1=5, 5th anniversary on the 5th day of the 5th month (May).. I had already skipped one version, after all, so why not make it two? And besides the gone-multibrowsing option alone called for that, so here's how we jumped from v2.9 to v5!
In a few words, its ambition to be the perfect computer's Swiss-army knife.. had turned into gigantism. While adding more and more extra-features (including an extractor of email-addresses / telephone-numbers!), I was somewhat losing sight of the core.
Then I had to focus on my novel for many months, and by the time I got back to WinSieve I could hardly see my way through all the code I had written before. Which is why I finally decided to make a bonsai out of the sequoia, and WinSieve 4 lite was born.
WINSIEVE v. 1 - v. 2.9
Cronologia completa delle versioni Windows-console (28 Marzo 2003 - 5 Maggio 2004, 4921 download)
v. 2.9
v. 2.8
v. 2.7
v. 2.6
PS: la vecchia sottocartella "Text" è stata rinominata in "Documents", e "JAVA" in "Script"
v. 2.5
v. 2.4
v. 2.3
v. 2.0
v. 1.16
v. 1.15
v. 1.9
v. 1 (novità rispetto alla ultima versione DOS)
1 Statistiche complete del beta-test: 4 volte più veloce nella creazione dell'indice dei preferiti. Quanto al setacciamento, risulta:
2 Dipende unicamente dalla memoria virtuale gestita dal computer.
3 In \Pix\CheckOut ci finiscono solo i file rovinàti (=caricàti male) o quelli che hanno l'estensione sbagliata (ma se sono immagini di altro tipo, ad es. una JPG mascherata da GIF, vengono riconosciute dall'opzione per identificare i files sconosciuti)
4 Questo peraltro spiega le (seppur minime) variazioni di risultato rispetto a SIEVE 3.5 (DOS).
5 Novità! (=non presente nella versione DOS)
6 In questo caso, al fine di evitare di aggiungere files già precedentemente setacciàti, viene forzata la modalità di ricerca dei doppioni anche se l'utente l'ha de-selezionata.
SIEVE v. 1 - v. 3.5
Complete chronology of DOS versions (Late 2001 - March 29th,2003 - 1287 downloads)
v. 3.5
v. 3.4
v. 3.3
v. 3.2
v. 3
v. 2.2beta
v. 2.1c (aka SIEVE98)
v. 1c